Human Relationships
1. Staff relate to all children and youth in positive ways.
a) Staff treat children with respect and listen to what they say.
b) Staff make children feel welcome and comfortable.
c) Staff respond to children with acceptance and appreciation.
d) Staff are engaged with children.
2. Staff respond appropriately to the individual needs of children and youth.
a) Staff know that each child has special interests and talents.
b) Staff recognize the range of children's abilities.
3. Staff encourage children and youth to make choices and to become more responsible.
a) Staff offer assistance in a way that supports a child's initiative.
4. Staff interact with children and youth to help them learn.
b) Staff share skills and resources to help children gain information and solve problems.
c) Staff vary the approaches they use to help children learn.
12. The daily schedule is flexible, and it offers enough security, independence, and stimulation to meet the needs of all children and youth.
b) Children meet their physical needs in a relaxed way.
c) Individual children move smoothly from one activity to another, usually at their own pace.
13. Children and youth can choose from a wide variety of activities.
a) There are regular opportunities for active, physical play.
b) There are regular opportunities for creative arts and dramatic play.
d) Children have a chance to join enrichment activities that promote basic skills and higher-level thinking.
The complete list of standards can be found here.