Round Table Discussion is defined as a number of persons gathered together for conference and discussion of a topic. On January 29, 2009 a group of after-school professionals came together to participate in the first SAC Round Table in southwestern PA this year. Before discussing the challenges that we face in the SAC field, we talked about what we thought we were doing right and what we would like to see more of in SAC programs.
What we are doing right:* Staff plan for and with our after-school children.
* After-school programs are flexible.
* Staff understand that relationships are important.
* Staff are role models.
* Children are given choices.
* Parents learn more about their children through assessments and daily interactions with staff.
* After-school programs are not a continuation but a supplement to school and home.
* Children feel safe not just physcially but emotionally.
* After-school programs broaden the horizons of the children they serve.
* Please add to this list in the comments section.Challenges we face:* Finding and retaining good staff.
* Properly compensating quality staff.
* Building positive relationships with families.
* Sharing common goals between directors, parents, staff and children.
* Transporting children to and from programs.
* Dedicating space specifically for after-school needs.
* Serving children with special needs.
* Stating and implementing policies that deal with behavior issues.
* Finding the time and motivation to attend professional development.
* Please add to this list in the comments section.Round table discussions serve as
2 professional development hours and also serve as an opportunity to network and share ideas about SAC issues. We hope more people will be able to join us for the next session. We will keep you posted for the next meeting and hope to see you there.
It was nice to meet Traci, Mary Lou and Christopher.
Thanks to Jan for leading the round table.
Suzanne and Chesca